作者: 飞易通 时间:2023-05-16 14:55
BW256是一款WiFI6 SOC模块,是飞易通公司2023年主打产品,Low‐Energy 2.4/5GHz Wi‐Fi6/BT5.2 SoC
1.1 Wi‐Fi 特性
CMOS single-chip fully-integrated RF Modem and MAc
Wi-Fi 6 support 2.4GHz/5GHz Frequency band
The highest data rate is 286.8Mbps@TXand229.4Mbps@RX,and the bandwidth is 20/40MHz
RX sensitivity under 11b 1M mode-98dBm
Tx power up to 20dBm in 11b mode up to 18dBm in HT/VHT/HE40 MCS7 mode
Support STA,APWi-Fi Direct mode at the same time
Support STBC,beamforming
Support Wi-Fi6 TWT
Support two NAVs,buffer reportspace reuse
Multi-BSSID, power saving in PPDU
Support LDPC
Support DCM,medium code,UORA
Support WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPA3-SAE Personal
MFP Frequency band
1.2 蓝牙 5.2 特性
Supports all the mandatory and optional features
of Bluetooth 2.1+EDR/3.0/4.x/5
Supports advanced master and slave topologies
1.3 CPU 特性
Integrated Cortex-M4F CPU with MPU and FPU
CPU speed up to 480Mhz
On-chip memory includes 992KB SRAM and 752KB ROM
Supports SDIO/SPI/USB2.0
Integrated hardware crypto accelerator
Integrated True Random Number Generator
Support external OPI SDR/DDR PSRAM
Integrated 128mbits SPI flash
Integrated UART/12S/12C/PWM/SPI/SDMMC
Integrated watchdog Support free ROTS
飞易通电子是全球领先的物联网整体解决方案供应商,拥有涵盖5G、Wi-Fi/蓝牙、音频、4G CAT1、UWB和BLE模组以及天线的完备产品线。公司可提供包括物联网模组、物联网应用解决方案及云平台管理在内的一站式服务,具备丰富的行业经验,产品广泛应用于智能家居、汽车电子、智慧能源、金融支付、智慧城市、无线网关、智慧农业&环境监控、智慧工业、智慧生活&医疗健康、智能安全等领域。